Ärztegemeinschaft am Roten Platz


Dr. Zdenek Skruzny, medical doctor.

General Medicine Specialist.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist.

Activity in the hospital:

Swiss Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Hematology/Internal Medicine

Cantonal Hospital Baden, General Surgery

Cantonal Hospital Baden, Internal Medicine

Klinik Freihof Baden, Rheumatology/Internal Medicine

Rehabilitation Clinic Bellikon, Rehabilitation/Rheumatology

Cantonal Hospital Baden, Surgery/Emergency and Accident Medicine


Activity in practice:

Pöschwies Prison, Regensdorf, General Medicine

Rosenbergstr.12, St. Gallen, Independent Practice

Practice B. Meier, Baden, Practice Representation

Berit-Klinik, Niederteufen, Attending Physician and Surgical Assistance



Manual Medicine SAMM

Interventional Pain Therapy SSIPM

Radiation Protection and Competence A and B

Laboratory Medicine



FMH Swiss Medical Association

SGAIM Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine

SGPMR Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

SAMM Swiss Medical Society of Manual Medicine

SSIPM Swiss Society for Interventional Pain Management

Medical Association of the Canton of St. Gallen

HAV Association of General Practitioners St. Gallen

Dr. Daniel Stegmaier, medical doctor.

General Medicine Specialist.

Activity in the hospital

Bürgerspital St. Gallen, Geriatrics

Spital Herisau Surgery, Accident and Emergency Medicine

Children’s Hospital St. Gallen, Pediatrics

Stay in Kenya, Travel Medicine

Spital Heiden, Internal Medicine

Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen Blood Donation Center

Psychiatric Clinic Wil, Psychiatric Experience


Activity in the practice: 

Internal Medicine Practice Dr. C. Schibler, General Medicine

Allergy Center Dr. P. Lehner, Experience with Allergies and Skin Problems

Health Center St. Gallen, General Medicine



Ultrasonic Diagnostics

Radiation Protection Expert

Laboratory Medicine

Teaching Practitioner for General Medicine

Teaching Physician for Joint Medical Master University of St. Gallen

Supervisor Abdominal Sonography



FMH Swiss Medical Association

SGAIM Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine

mfe Swiss Association of General Practitioners and Pediatricians

Medical Association of the Canton of St. Gallen

HAV General Practitioners Association St. Gallen

SGUM Swiss Society for Ultrasound in Medicine

AefU Physicians for the Environment

Mrs. Nora Gonzalez, certified physician

Specialist FMH in General Internal Medicine

Specialist FMH in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Activity in the hospital

Practice Clinic Hamburg-Bergedorf, General Medicine, Neurosurgery/General Surgery and Orthopedics

Klinikum Elmshorn, Geriatrics, General and Internal Medicine

Reha-Klinik Gyhum, Orthopedics, General and Internal Medicine

Albertinen-Krankenhaus in Hamburg, Internal Medicine Department II

Herz-Kreislauf-Klinik in Bad Bevensen, Heart and Thoracic Surgery


Activity in practice

●  Practice Rüthi, General and Internal Medicine

●  Practice Dr. Windisch in Bardowick, General and Internal Medicine

●  Practice Dr. Dr. Rothe in Hamburg, Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine

●  MVZ Aktivion Dr. Soyka und Partner (Practice for Orthopedics and PRM in Hamburg), Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine

●  Practice Dr. Windisch in Bardowick, General Medicine, General and Internal Medicine



Medical Officer


Emergency Medicine

Laboratory Medicine

Radiation Expert



SGAIM and MWS (Swiss Physicians)

Hausärzteverein/Ärztegesellschaft Kanton St. Gallen

CMPS (Conference of Swiss Prison Physicians)

REHA SCHWEIZ (Swiss Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)

Mrs. Dr. med. Martina Hupp

Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Activity in the hospital

Activity in the hospital

Klinik Gais, Cardiac Rehabilitation

Spital Herisau, General Internal Medicine

Rheinburg-Klinik Walzenhausen, Neurorehabilitation

SUVA Rehabilitation Clinic Bellikon, Neuro- and Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Occupational Medicine


Activity in practice

General Practice Dr. med. Roman Hörler, Appenzell

General Practice Dr. med. Alois Beat Giger, Bischofszell

General Practice Dr. med. Zdenek Skruzny, St. Gallen

General Practice Dr. med. Christian Widmer, Salmsach

General Practice Dr. med. Caoline Segert-Rohner, Roggwil



Manual Medicine SAMM

Laboratory Medicine



FMH Swiss Medical Association

SGPMR Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

SAMM Swiss Medical Society of Manual Medicine

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